January 12, 2012

Pinterest Intro: Computer

Welcome all you Pinterest Virgins!  Many people are talking about Pinterest… “What is it?”  “Why are people sooo obsessed about it, etc?”  Well, why are we obsessed about anything at all really?  Maybe because it’s new and different? 

What is Pinterest?

Remember growing up if you saw something in a magazine you would cut the picture out and hang it on a corkboard in a bedroom, kitchen, etc?  Well, imagine doing that, but on the internet!  Pinterest allows you to look through thousands of crafts, projects, and other really cool ideas and automatically jump to a particular website!  No more searching for hours! 

Step One:  If you haven’t already done this, go to http://www.pinterest.com/ and sign up!  It’s that simple!  Some people request an invite from other users, I did not.  I just signed up and waited patiently for my e-mail.  Don’t worry… It will come!  But in the meantime, familiarize yourself with Pinterest!

Step Two:  Once you log in, this is the screen you will see.  On the left hand side under “Recent Activity”  is well you guessed it, Recent Activity!  If someone repins a pin or likes a pin it will be here!  In the middle are pins that have been repined by the people you follow.  For example, every pin that Faith repins, it will show up here! 

Step Three: What if I want to search for a particular category of pin?  Simple!  On the same page as your “Home Page” you will see a drop menu entitled “Everything.”  Once a category is chosen, it will show pins posted by everyone except the people you follow!

Step Four:  “What if I really really really like a pin and want to repin it?”  Move your mouse over the desired pin and three little menus will show up “Repin, Like, Comment”  Simply click “Repin.”

Another menu will pop up allowing you to repin this “must have” onto different boards.  Boards can be anything from “Baby Shower”  “My Style”  “Roll Tide Roll” etc.  You decide!  If you haven’t created any boards, you are able to create one from this menu.  (See Picture Below).

Congrats! You have repined your first pin!  Awesome! 

Step Five:  “Now that I have pinned items, how do I find them?”  In the top right hand corner, click on the arrow beside your name.  A drop menu will appear and simply click on “Boards”.  You will then see all the boards you have created.  This is also your profile that others will be able to see. 

Step Six:  “I saw a really great craft that I want to try, How do I get to the actual website?”  First, find the pin.  Click on your name and go to your boards.  Click on the board that you posted it on (For this example it will be Crafts-To-Do).

Then Scroll down until you find the pin you are looking for.  (Refer to picture of PomPom).  Click on the Picture.

The Pin will then show up by itself like this:

Last and final step: Click on the picture one last time, and the original homepage will pop up.  (Be sure to disable the pop-up blocker).

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