February 10, 2012

Crayon Hearts Project

I saw this on Pinterest and thought that it would be great for Callum's preschool class for Valentine's Day. Here's what you need:

-Silicone heart mold (found mine at Hobby Lobby and Walmart)
-Kids that like to break things:)

Set the oven to 250. Break the crayons in half or thirds and fill the molds. Bake for 10-15 mins or until melted. Let it cool and pop them out. I found some cute bags in the dollar section at Target to put them in. Add a cute card (or regular v-day card) and you're done!

January 19, 2012

Homemade Gift Ideas #1

I think that homemade gifts mean more than gifts from the store. Especially when you have kids (grandparents always love picture of grand kids).

I did photo coasters for Christmas and they loved it. It's super easy to do. All you need is:

4x4 tiles
Mod podge
Clear acrylic high gloss coating spray
Sponge brush
Felt dots

Step 1: coat the back of the photo and press down on tile. Let it dry (very important)
Step 2: coat the front of the photo. Use even left to right stokes to avoid lines. Let it dry.
Step 3: repeat step 2 2-3 times and let it dry
Step 4: lay coasters on wax paper or cardboard box to spray acrylic spray. I would recommend 5 coats of spray (of course let it dry between each coat).
Step 5: place felt dots on the back of tiles and you're done!

Here's the tiles of all the grand kids. My mom and grandmother were very happy.


January 18, 2012

January 16, 2012

The Christmas Jar

What is the Christmas Jar?

I can't remember when or how I found this idea, but it's not an original idea. I wish that I had thought of this all by myself, but I read about it in a blog. Unfortunately, the activities were too old for my little 23 month old, so I had to make it up as I went along. He loved it and it kept us busy on those long, cold, winter days. Now my little one is almost 3, going to preschool 2 days a week, and there's another baby crawling (trying to walk) around this house. Amazing how much changes in a year! I'm excited to add new activities into the jar since he's a little older now.

So here's how the Christmas Jar works:

You need a jar or something to keep the little pieces of paper in. I bought our Christmas jar at the dollar store. It's cheap, it's festive, and it's not breakable.

Then write down 25 different Christmas activities on small pieces of paper and fold them up. One activity per day.

Because some of the activities may require prep work or planning for the next day (like going to see Santa), I let the kids draw from the jar the night before. That way I can gather supplies, etc after they go to bed and everything is ready for the next day's activity.

So that's about it on how to do the Christmas jar-it's super easy and the activities don't require a lot of time.

Last, but not least here are some of ideas to put in the jar. Some of these I will be using and some I won't. My goal is to post everyday with what activity we did for the day. So if you don't have 25 ideas in the jar at first, just keep reading  add to the jar as you go along.

1. Watch a Christmas movie together as a family
2. Go see Santa at the mall
3. Make a snow globe (I'll post directions when we do this one)
4. Write a letter to Santa
5. Make Christmas cards
6. Bake cookies to take to the firestation
7. Have an indoor snowstorm
8. Take a tour of Christmas lights around your neighborhood
9. Open one gift early (my fave activity!)
10. Make homemade ornaments
11. Go to the library and pick out Christmas books/movies
12. Read the true story of Christmas
13. Make a snowman
14. Drink hot cocoa under the Christmas tree
15. Write a note (or draw a picture) for each family member and put in their stocking
16. Tour the lights of the Opryland Hotel
17. Gather old toys/clothes to give to charity (great way to teach giving)
18. Make jello out of Christmas molds
19. Play Christmas music during bathtime (or some other activity that the kids don't like)
20. Bake cookies for yourselves
21. Make a Christmas tree
22. Make a snowman
23. Shop or make stocking stuffers for Dad
24. Visit a nursing home and take homemade gifts to residents
25. Have kids help wrap gifts

What are your Christmas Traditions with your kids?


Picture Perfect? Part One

It's picture time!  The special time in a child's life where we must capture a milestone.  Whether it's Newborn, 6 mths, 1 year, 2 years, first day of school, first day of high school, graduation, etc; we all want our pictures to turn out like this: 

Did you just say, "Aww... How sweet"?  That is the reaction we strive to get instead of: 

Now either you laughed out loud, snickered, or titled your head to the side and said, "Poor Child."
We are all in agreement the memories we capture should make us melt inside every time. 

So, as Lil Man's 1st Birthday is coming up soon, I went to the Experts and asked these simple questions, "What advice would you give to mommy's and daddy's when getting their child's picture taken?  Is there anything that they can do before hand to make the session go by smoother? What do you do that is "different" from other photographers?"  And here is what the experts say:

Gloria Stults at Gloria Stults Photography

Photographing children is an experience for all! Unlike older people, little clients are too young to understand what you are trying to accomplish with a pose or setting. In today's photography world, getting a more natural "pose", capturing the child in "their element" so to speak, may make for a more pleasing product, and better memories than making them do something so unnatural to them. The photographer needs to be ready to snap at all times with little ones. Here is a tip I will give that may be a little out of the normal. Being a mother of three, my youngest seemed to do much better if I was out of sight! I would leave her with the photographer...of course I was not too far. I was still watching her, she just didn't know it. As a photographer, I have used this with certain "lil clients" and they seemed to do better. And of course...a little bribery goes a long way too!   Another important tip is to make sure they are well rested, just had a meal or light snack.

Rachel Guess  at Rachel Guess Photography

The number one piece of advice I have for parents who want a great turnout from their child's photo session is make your child comfortable.  This means dressing them in clothes they enjoy wearing, choosing a session location where they feel relaxed, coordinating with nap and eating schedules (to reduce fussiness), and let them be themselves.  I also recommend bringing along something that the child enjoys, a favorite toy or blanket.  Often, the best shots of your child happen when their personality can show through. After you've done what you can to make the session stress-free, the clothes can really make an image spectacular.  For little babies, no clothes or simple clothes work best.  For other ages, bold colors work great for single portrait shots.  When you've got multiple people in a picture, coordinating clothes makes a huge difference in the overall look of a photograph.  People often choose to all wear white or black tops, but I always give my clients some ideas for coordinating different colors, too. I love to have fun with photos, especially when children are involved.  I get down on their level and really enjoy myself.  If I'm having fun taking the pictures, the children will have more fun and give me more to work with.  Capturing joy in their faces or a silly look is usually far more interesting than an awkward pose of a three year old!

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This next Photographer can be found over at Starla Steward Photography.  Starla Holl and I met at Freed-Hardeman University!  She has a natural "eye" for capturing your lil Caveman or Cavewoman!  Here is what she says:

 Capturing your Caveman

by Starla Holl

I'm sure that some days when your wild child is running around like a
little caveman and won't sit still for five seconds, you are ready to
cancel that photography appointment you made! You are thinking that he'll
never cooperate for one good photo.  Am I right?   Don't worry - I am here
to help! I photograph over a hundred children sessions a year and have
learned a lot in the last seven years.  I would like to share a few tips
with you to help prepare you for your photo shoot.

 1. Timing
   2. Finding the right photographer
   3. Asking the right questions
   4. Preparing the parents
   5. Preparing the child
   6. Remember to have fun
   7. Realistic expectations


If you think that you'll wait until next year to do photos because he might
"grow out of this toddler phase" then by the time you know it, he thinks
he's too big for photos, then he's a tween and too cool for photos.  There
really IS a perfect time for photos: NOW.  He'll change so much from year
to year and it's important to cherish every phase no matter how crazy it
might be.  So please, book that session.  I know it's hard to see now, but
you'll be grabbing for these photos for his graduation and then his wedding
and then he'll be showing these photos to his own kids.

Enjoy every stage of childhood and let
your photographer turn it into art

Finding the right photographer

This is key!  Find a photographer whose style fits what you are looking for
in your photos.  I know budget is an issue as well but sometimes you really
do get what you pay for.  And we really do pay for what we want in life.
We find the money to buy those cute shoes or to go out to eat more than we
should.  Be sure to put money back and invest in a great photographer that
can make your experience enjoyable and capture the best in your child.  I
am a fun, creative, lifestyle photographer so I'm going to be giving you
pointers from that perspective and if you have a little girl, replace all
the he's with she's.  I do respect formal classic portraiture but my style
caters more to the child who can't sit still very long.  I am very patient
and realistic when it comes to kids and it's important for you to be
patient and realistic too.  Your wild man may not do exactly what you
thought he might do, but find a photographer that you can trust will catch
those great moments.  You are seeing the session from the sidelines but
your photographer is seeing it through the lens.  A perfect smile might
have happened for .5 seconds but that photographer could have snapped it
and made your caveman look like an angel.  So please trust your

You might see this from the sidelines

But the photographer may have captured this.
Asking the right questions

What questions do I ask the photographer?  Feel free to ask your
photographer questions when setting up your appointment so you can be on
the same page.  Ask if you can book your session for after a nap.  In my
experience, kiddos are happiest right after a nap.  Please don't schedule
your session right in the middle of his nap time and expect him to be in a
great mood.  Photographers love rested children who are fed and happy.
After all, do you feel like getting  your photo taken if you are tired and
hungry?  What does he wear? Try not to stress to much about an outfit.  You
can ask your photographer what to wear.  I say to try out your outfit so
you know that it fits well.  You don't wan the sleeves too long and we have
disappearing hands or the pants too short. I LOVE hats in photos but if
your kiddo hates hats, he probably won't like them during the photo shoot
either but it's worth it to snag a few great photos with it.   Ask how many
outfits -anything over two outfits will be overkill for a kiddo that
probably hates to change clothes. Also ask how long the session will take.
 we got an adorable photo with his hat
and there it went! HA!
Preparing the Parents

I know that a photo session can be a stressful time for a parent.  As a
photographer, I think it's almost as important or more important to prepare
the parent for the child's session than it is to prepare the child.  The
worst thing that can happen during one of my photo shoots is for the mom to
have a melt down that is worse than the child.  Trust me - I've seen it
all.  I experienced a mom yelling at her child to "SMILE!  SMILE! You
better smile or I'm going to 'take you outside'."   Now, the last time I
checked, I've never smiled when someone was yelling at me. Or I might have
done a fake smile with my mouth but my eyes said it all.  Keep your cool,
mom.  Our approach is to think of ways to make a child smile without
telling them to smile.  Depending on the age, a toddler might smile at
singing a favorite song.  I've never watched it but I can now sing "hot dog
hot dog hot diggity dog".  You should also bring a bag of goodies: maybe a
favorite toy or book.  Every mom has a different view on "bribing" but I am
for it. I like to call them "rewards".  Cheerios are good or those small
white puffs but please don't bring skittles or big m&ms.  Any candy that
will change the color of drool is probably not a good idea.  You know that
as soon as you give him a red m&m, he will drool on his nice shirt or it
will melt in his little hand and he'll wipe it on the shirt.   Speaking of,
bring a backup outfit just in case. Don't over think this outfit but if
something happens to your favorite outfit at the beginning of the session
(again depending on age, it could be spit up, or drool, or just that
magical dirt that kids seems to get on them out of thin air).    So in your
bag, please pack:  toys, rewards, sippy cup with clear liquid, and an extra
outfit.  Bring a laundry basket or a suitcase if you'd like. Whatever
works.  If your child is under 3 years old, I would bring two people:  One
person to help "spot the child" because they'll want to go where they want
to go and one person to help get a smile out of them that can be over by
the photographer.

Preparing the child

"Say Cheese".   Okay- I know we are all taught this but saying cheese
typically results in a fake smile that has been practiced too many times.
It's not a bad idea to teach a kid out to smile but maybe try another
approach. Instead you might want to teach them out to smile using something
they relate to like saying "let me see your big boy smile"  "do your mickey
mouse smile"  "do your spiderman smile".   Place a word for smile that
might trigger a smile in them.  This will only work a few times before they
get bored of it so be sure your photographer is ready.  Also, I always like
it when a mom has told their child that they are coming to Mrs. Starla's
place and that we are going to have fun taking some pictures.   It helps
the child know what they are in for.   And as a last ditch effort, I'm not
above bribing=85 I mean "rewarding". 
 I think doing a good job at the photo
session deserves some kind of reward like ice cream later or something.

This girl looks sweet in this photo with a
smile but she made me work hard for it. ha.  This is pretty much the only
smile we got but her whole session was so good even when it was silly. Not
every photo needs to be a smile.  How many smile photos will you hang up.
A collage of different photos looks better

Her whole session really showed
her personality!  Let your photographer have some fun and really catch your
child's spirit

Her whole session really showed
her personality!  Let your photographer have some fun and really catch your
child's spirit
Remember to make it fun

We've already covered this topic in preparing the parents but it's really
essential to a happy smiley photo session.  Nothing is fun when being told
to have fun so remember to make it fun.  Be silly, bring toys, anything
goes during one of my sessions.  If you have to make monkey sounds to make
your caveman laugh- then so be it.  Bring your best monkey voice.
Sometimes - your photographer needs to let a kid be a kid.  What works for
me is when the child is a little older than a toddler I'll say that we'll
do my poses and then their poses.  We both win: I get the photos I want and
the kids get to make faces at me and let that silliness out.
Let the child do their funny faces and
then ask them to give you one photo with a smile. It's a little give and

Realistic expectations

Okay - so what do you want out of your session?  Do you want a wall
portrait? a book? one good smile?  I don't expect you to know exactly what
you'll order but it helps you and the photographer if you know kind of what
your expectations are.   If you want one good one for the wall and five
pretty good ones for family, then remember that during your session and
during your viewing.  20-30 photos is a pretty good amount.  I end up over
shooting during most sessions and giving the clients around 50 photos to
choose from but most moms wish I took less so there aren't as many to
choose from.   I try to tell the mom that we have more great ones than they
think (if their wild child was being extra wild) but they still won't
believe me until they see the proofs.  So I'll tell you what I tell them.
Trust me - even the mad face ones or the crying ones are adorable!  If your
kiddo gets mad or cries - you could just make an expressions collage out of
it!  I'm a sucker for a good pouty face for one pose.  So - have realistic
expectations. If you get one GREAT one - print that one off for a large
wall portrait and consider it a success.

And sometimes the best photos are the ones that are true to life.  Boys will be boys

Good luck on your upcoming session!  I know it will be GREAT!

-Starla Holl

Starla Photography

Thank you ladies for your excellent advice!  Hopefully, my "CaveMan" will capture the heart of everyone through his One-Year Old Pictures! 


Blogaholic Designs”=

January 13, 2012

Baby Shower DIY: No CaveMan, Tissue Paper is Not for You Today

Those words.  WOW!  During the Christmas season, Lil Man would play and play and play in my tissue paper.  I finally wised up and bought his own tissue paper so on Christmas morning it would appear that Momma won Battle Tissue Paper (looking nice and polished) instead of something seen in a Stephen King Horror movie! 

I recently saw this picture on Pinterest.com. So, my brain, like always, kicks into the "I can make that" mode. 

Well I was tight on money and didn't really see the need in making Fabric Poms because my sister wasn't going to use it in the nursery.  So, I continued looking and found this picture and a simple tutorial to making Pom Poms.

(Click over to The Busy Budgeting Momma for the complete tutorial).

Lo and behold, when I was showing my mom the Baby Shower ideas she said, "Oh I bet I made hundreds of those for my Senior Prom" *Light bulb*  I can do this project at momma's house and not have my CaveMan destroy it!  Awesome!

Here is the final product of our Poms! (Please excuse the quality of the pictures, my camera is on the fritz )

Here is what I learned from using this tutorial:
1.  The more paper you use, the harder it is to cut!
2.  The small the fold, the flower will look tight.  The larger the fold the more open it will look.
3.  It is not neccesary to cut it, because it looks good either way.
4.  If the paper rips, Oh Well.  It still looks good! 
5.  Experimenting with different shapes on the end is awesome (ie, rounded tip like the tutorial, pointed edge, etc)
6.  Super easy!  Super Super Super Easy!
7.  Inexpensive!  Made 30 flowers for just $5.00.  How much are these things at Party City?  Waaaay more than $5.00! 
8.  Will be doing this again!  Maybe for the Fourth of July with Red White and Blue Tissue Paper! 

Blogaholic Designs”=

January 12, 2012

Pinterest Intro: Computer

Welcome all you Pinterest Virgins!  Many people are talking about Pinterest… “What is it?”  “Why are people sooo obsessed about it, etc?”  Well, why are we obsessed about anything at all really?  Maybe because it’s new and different? 

What is Pinterest?

Remember growing up if you saw something in a magazine you would cut the picture out and hang it on a corkboard in a bedroom, kitchen, etc?  Well, imagine doing that, but on the internet!  Pinterest allows you to look through thousands of crafts, projects, and other really cool ideas and automatically jump to a particular website!  No more searching for hours! 

Step One:  If you haven’t already done this, go to http://www.pinterest.com/ and sign up!  It’s that simple!  Some people request an invite from other users, I did not.  I just signed up and waited patiently for my e-mail.  Don’t worry… It will come!  But in the meantime, familiarize yourself with Pinterest!

Step Two:  Once you log in, this is the screen you will see.  On the left hand side under “Recent Activity”  is well you guessed it, Recent Activity!  If someone repins a pin or likes a pin it will be here!  In the middle are pins that have been repined by the people you follow.  For example, every pin that Faith repins, it will show up here! 

Step Three: What if I want to search for a particular category of pin?  Simple!  On the same page as your “Home Page” you will see a drop menu entitled “Everything.”  Once a category is chosen, it will show pins posted by everyone except the people you follow!

Step Four:  “What if I really really really like a pin and want to repin it?”  Move your mouse over the desired pin and three little menus will show up “Repin, Like, Comment”  Simply click “Repin.”

Another menu will pop up allowing you to repin this “must have” onto different boards.  Boards can be anything from “Baby Shower”  “My Style”  “Roll Tide Roll” etc.  You decide!  If you haven’t created any boards, you are able to create one from this menu.  (See Picture Below).

Congrats! You have repined your first pin!  Awesome! 

Step Five:  “Now that I have pinned items, how do I find them?”  In the top right hand corner, click on the arrow beside your name.  A drop menu will appear and simply click on “Boards”.  You will then see all the boards you have created.  This is also your profile that others will be able to see. 

Step Six:  “I saw a really great craft that I want to try, How do I get to the actual website?”  First, find the pin.  Click on your name and go to your boards.  Click on the board that you posted it on (For this example it will be Crafts-To-Do).

Then Scroll down until you find the pin you are looking for.  (Refer to picture of PomPom).  Click on the Picture.

The Pin will then show up by itself like this:

Last and final step: Click on the picture one last time, and the original homepage will pop up.  (Be sure to disable the pop-up blocker).

Baby Shower DIY: Hanging up the Momma Caveman Hat

My wonderful sister is gracing our family with a little girl!  We cannot be more excited!  I mean, afterall, my mom has 3 grandsons, so she is "way overdue for a girl."  lol. 

In the previous months, I had to hang up my Momma CaveMan hat, and put on the Momma Creative hat.  (Trust me I am not complaining at all!)   So over the next few weeks I will give you a sneak peek into our little girl's (my niece's) shower for her momma! 


Day One:  Invitations

As a momma we are ALL ABOUT TIME SAVING!  And if you are raising "Cavemen", you not only have to save time, but keep things as neat as possible.... that is if you want to impress anyone! 

So this Momma, took to her best buddies at Hallmark.com.  This site must have been created by a mom!  I was able to create the invitations that I wanted, type in all the addresses (that was seriously the hardest part), and pay for it!  Hallmark.com did the rest!  They printed the invitations, stuffed them in envelopes, put a stamp on the envelope, addressed the envelope and mailed them off! 

This is the invitation that we used:  (This is not the actual information FYI):

So Kuddos to Hallmark.com for saving a Momma time and gray hair! 


Blogaholic Designs”=

January 10, 2012

National Champions!!

We here at Raising CaveMen have been a little distracted lately. See we come from the great state of Alabama. Don't think it's a great state? Well, The Crimson Tide brought home the state's 3rd Consecutive National Championship in College Football! Oh yea! That's right!

With that being said, our Football Season has ended and Crafting Season has began!


Family Birthday Organized! CHECK!

Let's be honest with each other just for a moment no?  There are days, when I may forget to comb my hair, eat, etc. all because I am rushing out the door trying to get Lil Man to an appointment, or going to see Nana and Pop.  So that's why I have an Emergency Kit that I have made for my own car.  So if I can barely remember to do basic everyday things, then how will I EVER remember family members' birthday?  Especially when there are 76 members!  Eek....

So, during one of my late night Pinning expeditions, I came across this picture:

And of course the "I can do that" part of my brain kicked in overdrive!  How simple and space efficient!  Everyone's birthday in one central location!  So, we did a test run for my Grandmother, and it was a hit.

I spent probably $20-$25 on all the supplies.  How? Well, I took a trip to Old Time Pottery and found the perfect board for only $6.95; went to my favorite store, Lowe's, and bought the wooden doule, hooks, and spray paint; went to Hobby Lobby to pick out the perfect writing pen and some silver string to link each wooden piece.  Note:  I chose to cut and sand my wooden circles; Hobby Lobby or Joann's will have these already cut out. 

So, once I got everything situated and birthday's confirmed, we went to work.....

Here is the final product:

How do you keep track of your family birthdays?


Blogaholic Designs”=

January 06, 2012

Crafting for the Cause

There is a cause for just about every disease out there today.  However, Lymphoma holds a special place in our hearts at church.  An amazing Christian Woman is currently fighting Lymphoma (and winning! YAY!).  When she was first diagnosed, I made her a bag of goodies. 

  However, these are not just any ordinary goodies.....
I figured these gifts would give a special meaning to my friend.  Also, these are gifts that she can give away to those who are closest to her.

The first item in the basket of goodies is an awareness ribbon.  Lime Green is the awareness color for Lymphoma. 

This is an easy and inexpensive way to show your support for any cause! I bought this ribbon at Hobby Lobby for 50% off. Cut the ribbon into four inch strips. Twist to fold and either super glue or use a safety pin.  

The next item I really enjoyed making! I found these after a long search in Hobby Lobby! The metal bookmark is made with wire (fishing line is acceptable and cheaper. Your hubby won't mind! Lol), and plastic beads found in the jewelry department. You can add any type of charm on the end for your cause.  

What awareness holds that special place in your heart?

Family Tradition: Caveman Fire

So, I would like to think this next family tradition comes directly from the Caveman.  (In no way shape form or fashion is my Lil man participating in this until he is 5 or 6!).  When the Caveman discovered fire, I wonder if they ever tried to play Baseball or any other sport requiring a "Ball of Fire"? 

Every New Years Day, my cousins and I would play with the "Fire Ball" at my grandmother's house.

Are you thinking, "What family would actually play with fire?"  Well, it's more common than you may think.  Families, like my mom's, who couldn't afford fireworks at New Years' or July 4th would have to come up with alternative activities.  Hence, the Fire Ball! 

It's rather Simple to make: 

Take:  Monkey Socks and 100% Cotton Thread and sew it into a tight ball (like what a cat would play with), then soak it in Kerosene for at least 6 weeks!  Take the ball out of the kerosene, let it sit for a couple of hours in order to let the extra kerosene drip from the ball.  Light it and toss it! 

Simple enough no?

**Tips for a successful Game**
*Don't let it roll under cars or anything else that might blow up and cause you to be on the 10 o'clock news.
*Don't wear anything that you just received for Christmas.  Sparks will fly-Things will burn
*The longer the ball is in the air, the longer you will have to enjoy it!  So, don't let it sit on the ground for too long!
*Ever heard of "Hot Potato"?  Yea, it's best to use this policy!  The longer you hold it in your hand, the likely you will be visiting the ER! 

Click over here to our Raising Cavemen YouTube Channel to check out this year's video of "The Fireball."
Here is an extra video for you... Fire Ball Extra
What are your Strange Family Traditions?  Let me know if you try this!


Blogaholic Designs”=

Caveman Loin Cloth

Diapers. The common Caveman’s Loin Cloth. Whether it’s cloth or disposable, all Lil cavemen wear them! Trust me… Mine is no different! While late-night Pinterest surfing (because TV surfing is so 90s right?!), I came across this pin:


So that got me thinking. Trying to put a diaper on a 9 month old is a lot less like dressing a baby doll and more like dressing a baby during a seizure! Kuddos though to the R&D department at Huggies! These people knew EXACTLY what a struggle it is to get a diaper on properly!

So, Dear Huggies, Thank you for ending our Seizure diaper change with this new diaper:


What type of diapers do you use?

Blogaholic Designs”=

January 04, 2012

Christmas Candy Yum Yum

Christmas is a time for traditions and of course Glutting.  Our family is no different than yours!  We have a lot of traditions, but this is the "Newest Official Tradition."  

The Gurley Women:  Myself, Our Lovely Mom, My Sister, and My Sister-In-Law

 First and foremost, let me begin by stating that recipes are treasured.  So, in keeping with treasure, none of OUR recipes are on this post.  So sorry.  Never fret though, I have posted links to recipes that are similar to ours! 

So let's start this Candy Party no?

First, we have the Famous Potato Candy!  Yes it comes from a Potato.  No it doesn't taste like a Potato.  And it May or May Not send you into a diabetic Coma!  Nevertheless, it is sooo tasty!
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Next up we have a common chocolate, the turtle.  About.com has a fun creative recipe when making turtles.  However, if you are making a batch large enough to feed an army, you can always chop up the pecans and gently mix them into the melted caramel!  At least, that is what we did.... :)

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This is a new recipe we tried this year.  There is a candy shop here in Huntsville, Alabama and they sell Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter and Ritz Crackers.  So of course, the pregnant sister, added it to our menu!  (I'm not complaining!)

 Click on over here to cooks.com to see probably the easiest and most satisfying recipe for Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter and Ritz Crackers!  We Used Almond Bark for the White ones.

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I always think of Peanut Butter balls when I think of Christmas.  I don't know why, but it just seems like every party/event/house I have EVER attended in the past always has PB Balls.  Click **HERE** to be taken to a recipe that is probably the closest to ours! 

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We did add of course, Homemade fudge and Sugar Cookies.  Both recipes are *SHHHH* 
I hope you enjoyed this mouth watering experience!
What are some of your family food traditions?
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